Getting Started With Yii 2 Framework

Getting Started With Yii 2 Framework
Getting Started With Yii 2 Framework

Yii2 is easy and quick to setup. So let's see from scratch how you can start development with Yii2 with no efforts. Yii2 provides boiler plates to start development quickly.

Those are of 2 types 

  • 1) Basic Application Boilerplate
  • 2) Advanced Application Boilerplate

A Basic Application Boilerplate

  • Let's continue with basic boiler plat just download it from the Yii2 's official website. Or just click here. This will download the tar file for which you need to use some extractors like 7zip , winrar etc.
  • Another way is to use composer to install Yii 2. If you familiar with it then you can use following command and install the Yii 2 basic boiler plate via composer. 
    php composer.phar create-project yiisoft/yii2-app-basic basic
  • This command will create a subdirectory named basic inside the folder you fired the terminal command. inside which you will get the boiler plate. I skipped the installation of composer process here.
  • You have to wait for composer process to finish download of Yii2 basic boiler plate. 
  • You just have to use any one of the above method.
  • Next you can use either xampp or laragon for running the boilerplate.
  • Or if you have all configuration of apache and php environment just fire 
    php -S localhost:8000 -t basic/web
  • And you will see the landing page of boilerplate loaded in your browser.

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